Nearly a decade has passed since I started this blog. Ten years ago, I had just become a mother of 2. I was working for a maternal wellness company that I thought would support me as a mother. Instead, I was back at work just 6 weeks after my C-section, putting my newborn into daycare and sending my 4-year old to school for 10 hours a day.

I thought it was just what you did when working for a small company with a social mission. You needed to give up something for the greater good. I thought that this company was different — run by women, with a mission to support women — but instead, behind the scenes were wealthy MALE investors pulling the strings. The only greater good they cared about was their own profit. Another example of the patriarchy controlling and manipulating women.

In 2011, I left that shitty company. Turns out, I dodged a bullet because not long after they closed their doors literally overnight, leaving their mostly-female staff unemployed and without pay. The silver lining is that many of these smart and amazing women started their own businesses, and like me, are helping women and families live better.

I’ve never regretted my decision to stop working. Being my own boss is hella hard and unpredictable and stressful, but I’m doing it all on my own terms, not for anyone else’s greed and profit.

Cheers to women.


what do you think?